Sunday 19 October 2014

Pro and Cons of E-Commerce in Business

     E-Commerce can be defined as a trading in products or services using computer networks, such as internet. Electronic commerce draws on technologies such as mobile commerce, electronic fund transfer, supply chain management, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems.
   Based on the research, Amazon is officially the most popular e-commerce site in Malaysia, it is even more scarier (to local businesses) if they are able to provide free shipping in Malaysia. It same goes to which is the most famous online marketplace for local e-commerce site. Please visit to for further information about Top & Popular E-Commerce Sites in Malaysia.

   There are few pro and cons of e-commerce in life. First of all is no standing in queues or being placed on hold forever. For us as a customer, this is one of the most popular conveniences of e-commerce. Using the e-commerce technology, it is easier to customer to compare prices. There are several shopping search engines and comparison shopping websites that help consumers locate the best prices.  While buyers love this, sellers find it too restrictive as many of them get filtered out of the consumer’s consideration set. Other than that, with existing of e-commerce system, there no need for a physical store. E-commerce businesses can save on one of the biggest cost overheads that retailers have to bear. Since there are no shelf size or store size limitations, ecommerce businesses are able to list many different items.
   Besides that, there are eight unique features of e-commerce technology. First is ubiquity, as we know internet or web technology available everywhere and anytime, so it easy for us to e-commerce website. We also can classify E-Commerce as Global Reach because nowadays the technology reaches across national boundaries and around earth. Another feature is universal standards, which one set of technology standards and internet also standard. In addition, e-commerce technology can be richness technology as we can use the video, audio and text messages to support our business; it will help our business through e-commerce can to be more attractive compare to normal business. Next features are interactivity. The technology works through interaction with the user.
    Nowadays, everyone use the internet, so it easier to connect with user and promote thing through e-commerce technology. Information density will be the one unique features of e-commerce technology that means the total amount and quality of information available to all market participants. They can search any information because internet technology have unlimited information.

   Personalization and Social technology also be the unique features of e-commerce technology. Even there are many unique features of e-commerce but it also has some weakness or cons of e-commerce. Firstly, the cost to creating or building e-commerce application in house maybe very high. There could be delay in launching the e-commerce application due to mistake and lack of experience. For the user site, they may not trust the site being unknown faceless seller. Such mistrust makes it difficult to make user switch from physical stores to online or virtual stores. In conclusion, there are pro and cons of e-commerce technology in business. Please enjoy the video below to understand more about e-commerce business.

Importance of Mobile phone, wireless and pervasive computing

     Pervasive computing is the growing trend towards embedding processors in everyday objects so they can communicate information. The words pervasive mean “existing anywhere”. Pervasive computing devices are completely connected and constantly available. The important of pervasive computing also same as wireless communication which is the transfer of information between two or more points that are not connected by an electrical conductor. 

     Mobile refers to a portable communications device. There are three related item which is influence with one another. Currently, most of public place have wireless connection and it is can be called as pervasive computing. Mobile without wireless or internet connection is like a phone with low battery. We still used it but at the end we will find charger, to make sure we can enjoys using the phone. In this era globalization, there are many growths of advanced technologies, it lead to existing many type of mobile phone or smartphone such iPhone, Samsung, Oppo and Lenovo.

    Mobile phones are long range, portable and wireless electronic device of communication. A few years back, when mobile phones were not so common, the device was expensive and communication costs pretty good to the user. But in last a few years as the use of mobiles increased, their costs are decreased considerably and this factor helped a lot to make them available for men. Mobile phones are now inexpensive, easy to use and comfortable and equipped with almost every latest feature we desire. There is no doubt that the mobile phone has made the life more easy and comfortable. Mobile phone proved to be a big help in emergencies. For examples, if you get stuck in the middle of the road and find no one for help, you can just use a mobile phone and call for help.

    Mobile phone providing a lot of advantages also shows off few disadvantages. It is generally agreed that using hand- held mobile phone while driving is a distraction that bring risks of road traffic accident. So we need to use hands free sets to avoid such hazards. A little attention is received recently towards the potential impact of the kind of electromagnetic field generated by cellular phone on the human brain. Accumulating evidence indicate that microwave radiation from mobile phone will may cause serious deceases and disturbances in the physiology. This includes an increased cancer risk and genetic damage, disturbed brain function and other effects. Mobile phone radiation and health concern have been raised, especially following the enormous increase in the use of wireless mobile telephone throughout the world.

    Overall, mobile phone is very importance in our life today. The addition of wireless connection made the mobile phone completed and pervasive computing. As long as we always use it in the good way, there is no problem will be come up. The improvement of technology should be the tool for us to make our life easier and effective. Mobile phone can be both economical and essential for travellers’ trying to stay connected. Last but not least, life becomes so easy and fast by holding the mobile phones.

Benefits of Enterprise Information System to the organization

     Enterprise information system means any kind of information system which improves the functions of an enterprise business processes by integration. This typically offering high quality of service, dealing with large volume of data and capable of supporting some large and possibly complex organization or enterprise. 
     Enterprise information systems can replace multiple independent systems that may or may not interact with other systems and that process data to support particular business functions or processes. For example, enterprise resource planning supports the entire sales process that includes pre-sales activities, sales and orders, inventory sourcing, deliveries, billing and customer payments. Enterprise resource planning, supply chain management and customer relationship management systems are each examples of enterprise systems.
   The enterprise resource planning system integrates software applications just as a company integrates business processes, such as purchasing, finance, human resources and inventory management. A supply chain refers to the collection of people, tasks, equipment, data and other resources required to produce and move products from a vendor to a customer. The customer relationship management systems were developed to address the need to raise a sales department‘s productivity and make the management of a company’s customers an effective way to increase sales.
     One of the benefits from Enterprise Information System is when organizations are able to utilize their capabilities in order to exploit the technological possibilities of the Enterprise Information systems, in addition to their willingness to change their business routine. Besides that, enterprise information systems lead to the development of an integrated system within the organization. This help in streamlining the organizational processes and workflow, resulting in improved efficiency. This system also can improved customer information satisfaction. As all employees as access to requisite information, the workflow improves, resulting in on-time delivery of desired goods and services to the customers. The resultant improved quality and reduced delivery times help in developing high customer satisfaction.
   Further benefit is improved data entry. Due to the integration of all systems in an organization, there is little or no entry of redundant data and processes throughout the systems. Using enterprise information system, it leads to incorporation of best practices. The establishment of the enterprise systems in an organization result in the incorporation of best industry practices, leading to an overall improvement in the working organizations. Last but not least Enterprise information system provides flow of information. There is proper sharing of information across all departments of an organization, leading to improved interdepartmental communication and better employee performance.
   In conclusion, using Enterprise Information System is the best solution to run business or organization. This system not only provides advance technology but also help organization to work in effectiveness and efficiency. The application of Enterprise system helps in the proper racing of actual costs of all activities. This helps in performing activity based costing, which is ultimately beneficial to the organization. Although the employment of enterprise system involves a huge cost, its benefits outweigh the cost incurred by an organization. Nowadays, most big and small organizations of the world have employed the enterprise system and reaping the advantages associated with it. You can refer to this journal for further information about Enterprise Information System ;

Thursday 9 October 2014

Impact Of Social Networking In Daily Life

    Information technology is the application of computers and telecommunications equipment to store, retrieve, transmit and manipulate data. Nowadays, technology and of course internet has become an integral part of our lives. In a world run by internet connectivity for all aspects of life, from efficient work operations and management to social networking connections, it is no surprise that information is the foundation of our collective future. 

     Let’s look for few facts about technology. Based on the research, Ninety-one per cent of all adult have mobile phone within arm’s reach every hour of every day. Every minute, 100 hours of video are uploaded on YouTube by individual users. Since the company’s inception, there have been 144.7 million individual visitors to Facebook, making it most visited social networking site as of June 2013.For further information, you can visit to :-

     Social networking is not for everyone, but it is now such a massive part of all our lives, whether we embrace or reject the notion, that it can no longer be ignored.When we talk about social networking, there are many types of them such as facebook, twitter, whatsapp, viber, line, Wechat and many more. The improvement of technology directly increases the social networking application. Can you imaging if one day there is no internet connection, I believe that few businesses, organization and also individual itself will suffer because of this matter. From that, we know the internet connection especially social networking will influence our routine life. Online social networks have permeated our lives with far-reaching consequences.Many people have used them to connect with friends and family in distanct part of the world, to make connections that have advanced their carreers in leaps, bounds, to explore and visualize not only their own network of friends but the networks of their friends, family and colleagues.

    However, there are few negative effect of social network, using social network it can decreased productivity. While many business use social networking sites to find and communicate with clients, the sites can also prove a great distraction to employees who may show more interest in what their friends are posting than in their work task.In the item of security, using social network is not secure because usually social networking sites encourage people to be more public about their personal lives. Intimate details of our lives can be posted so easily, users are prone to bypass the filters they might normally employ when talking about their private lives.

    Our time is being stretched thinner and thinner by work and family commitments, but social networking sites offer the chance to communicate in a speedy and effective manner. Posting over other social networks switched on, that updates reaches everyone you want it to reach and probably more in an instant. It is not just inner circle of close friends and even closer family members that social networking sites allow us to communicate with easily and effectively, either. They open up the world up to you, making it a smaller place than it has ever been before. When it comes to social networks everyone is equal, regardless of location.