Thursday 9 October 2014

Impact Of Social Networking In Daily Life

    Information technology is the application of computers and telecommunications equipment to store, retrieve, transmit and manipulate data. Nowadays, technology and of course internet has become an integral part of our lives. In a world run by internet connectivity for all aspects of life, from efficient work operations and management to social networking connections, it is no surprise that information is the foundation of our collective future. 

     Let’s look for few facts about technology. Based on the research, Ninety-one per cent of all adult have mobile phone within arm’s reach every hour of every day. Every minute, 100 hours of video are uploaded on YouTube by individual users. Since the company’s inception, there have been 144.7 million individual visitors to Facebook, making it most visited social networking site as of June 2013.For further information, you can visit to :-

     Social networking is not for everyone, but it is now such a massive part of all our lives, whether we embrace or reject the notion, that it can no longer be ignored.When we talk about social networking, there are many types of them such as facebook, twitter, whatsapp, viber, line, Wechat and many more. The improvement of technology directly increases the social networking application. Can you imaging if one day there is no internet connection, I believe that few businesses, organization and also individual itself will suffer because of this matter. From that, we know the internet connection especially social networking will influence our routine life. Online social networks have permeated our lives with far-reaching consequences.Many people have used them to connect with friends and family in distanct part of the world, to make connections that have advanced their carreers in leaps, bounds, to explore and visualize not only their own network of friends but the networks of their friends, family and colleagues.

    However, there are few negative effect of social network, using social network it can decreased productivity. While many business use social networking sites to find and communicate with clients, the sites can also prove a great distraction to employees who may show more interest in what their friends are posting than in their work task.In the item of security, using social network is not secure because usually social networking sites encourage people to be more public about their personal lives. Intimate details of our lives can be posted so easily, users are prone to bypass the filters they might normally employ when talking about their private lives.

    Our time is being stretched thinner and thinner by work and family commitments, but social networking sites offer the chance to communicate in a speedy and effective manner. Posting over other social networks switched on, that updates reaches everyone you want it to reach and probably more in an instant. It is not just inner circle of close friends and even closer family members that social networking sites allow us to communicate with easily and effectively, either. They open up the world up to you, making it a smaller place than it has ever been before. When it comes to social networks everyone is equal, regardless of location.       


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